Organic Plants Sale

We will be selling our Organic plants again today from 9 am until 5 pm

I have updated the plant list on our page with what has sold out.

We still have a nice selection of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, lavender & pansies!

We are also selling our excess tomato cages for $5.00 each. They are heavy duty made out of wire mesh – 5 ft tall for the big heirloom tomato plants!

If you have pre-ordered, your order will be in the Farmstand. Otherwise, the available plants will be outside of the stand. You will only need to go into the stand to pay.

It is still too early to plant tomatoes, peppers and eggplant (30 degrees forecast for next Friday night will kill them regardless of covering with a sheet).

When you get your plants home, you can set them outside on a warm day and bring them in overnight. When they are outside, the biodegradable pots will dry out very quickly (we water ours 3 or 4 times per day). So, it’s best to put them somewhere where you can see them so you don’t forget to water and bring them in at night. 



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