Tomorrow (Oct. 1st) – Last Creekside Market for 2017


This will be our last Creekside Market for this year. We will be in the farmstand from 8 am until 1 pm with seasonal vegetables, Glass Gem cornmeal, Turkey Red wheat berries, Creekside Honey (with our lovely new label) from beehives on our farm, our hand-made goats milk and honey soap, products from our alpacas and eggs from our hens.

We still have tomatoes, lots of beautiful peppers (both sweet and hot), garlic, pumpkins AND we will be picking some glass gem corn today!

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4 Responses to Tomorrow (Oct. 1st) – Last Creekside Market for 2017

  1. Shawn Torres says:

    That honey is amazing! We are all addicted to it

  2. Will your glass gem corn be available?

  3. Me too! Has a part of the Creekside logo plus some bee and sunflower cuteness

  4. I love the new label!