New Egg Package

We have a new egg size this week. The hens have stopped laying small eggs for our 18 pk med/small mix. So, we now have a 12 pack of medium eggs for $4.00. We are packaging them in the clear cartons with a price sticker on the carton. They are also on a separate shelf from our regular eggs.

We still have our regular “nest run” mix. They are packaged in either cardboard or foam cartons and are $5.00 per dz.

Our hens have free access to a large pasture area filled with grass, clover and a little alfalfa. While they’re outside enjoying their pasture, they’re also absorbing Vitamin D. Eggs from truly pastured hens are higher in vitamin D and lower in cholesterol because of the green vegetation they eat. In addition to what they find to eat in the pasture, we provide certified organic chicken feed, wheat and oats that we raised here on our farm, and whatever vegetable scraps we produce. 

Eggs are in the cooler in our self-service Farmstand. There is not always someone available to provide change so please plan to have the correct amount of cash.



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