Creekside Market Day – Tomorrow from 9 until 2

Here is a list of plants we will have available for sale:


Lunchbox, Sweet Chocolate, Round of Hungary, Cubanelle, Jimmy Nardello, Shishito, Sweet Sunrise and Islander

These are all sweet peppers. Our hot peppers had to be re planted due to their need for warmth and our super sold winter. We may have a few ready for sale by the end of May.



Rosita, Ping Tung, Little Fingers, Diamond, Pandora Striped and Prosperosa


Sweet basil, lemon basil, lime basil, dill, parsley, cilantro, chives, 

lemon thyme and rosemary 


Cherry and salad type

Sungold, Black Cherry, Pink Bumblebee, Sunrise Bumblebee,Sweetie, Golden Current, Tommy Toe, Piglet Willie,  Mountain Magic, Sweet Cherriette

Roma/paste type

San Marzano, Comstock

Slicing/beefsteak type

Mortgage Lifter, Manyel yellow, Nepal,Arkansas Traveler, Barns Mountain Yellow, Woodle Orange, German Pink, Moskovich, Marglobe, Blue beauty, True black brandywine, Big Rainbow, Gold medal, Copia, Manzana, Carbon, Raspberry Lyanna

Container type

Gundula, Cyril’s Choice, Amber, Uralskiy

*Varieties in red are all suitable for container growing

We will also have plenty of organic eggs from our pasture raised hens

Handmade soap made with goatsmilk from  Staudacher Farm in Yorkville

Honey from beehives on our farm

Succulent plants

Yarn and fiber from our Suri alpacas

Organic potting soil 



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