Local honey Sources

We have had several inquiries about honey recently and wanted to share our sources. We do not sell honey. Our nearest local source is Contrary Mary’s. She’s about a mile from here and we love that her bees are most likely visiting our farm. She has a limited supply (but lots of beautiful plants).

Our second source is Belfry Bees out of Oswego. Ed Bell made a presentation at our Farm Day last year and is a great source of honey. His website shows the different locations where you can buy it. You can also have it delivered by Amy from Amy’s Organics in Plainfield (that’s how we get it).




PS Much of the honey sold in the grocery stores is mixed with high fructose corn syrup that comes from GMO corn. It is also pasteurized – which kills all the live enzymes (the good stuff). Raw local honey is neither and also has the benefit of improving hay fever type allergies because the bees are making their honey from local pollen.

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