Chicken Pick-up & June Creekside Market



Our June Creekside Market will be one week from today on June 10th from 9 am until 2 pm.

We will have fresh chicken available for pick-up. We prefer that you pre-order if you would like more than 1 or 2 so that we can have it ready for you.

Our chickens are raised outside and their shelter is moved to fresh grass daily. They eat certified organic feed (Never any GMO grain).

We will be trying a new processor this year (only 2 hours away rather than 3) and expect the packaging will be the same as our old processor. We offer a whole chicken – either un-cut or cut into 10 pieces. Our price for the un-cut is still $4.00 per pound and the chicken will average 3.5 to 4 pounds. The processor charges us for the cutting so add $1.50 per chicken for cut up.

Our processing day is Thursday so there will be a limited amount of fresh chicken available on Saturday. If you would like to place an order, either call 815-467-5259 or email us at We will need your name, phone number and the quantity you want.

We will also have our hand made goats milk soap, alpaca items, plenty of eggs and are starting to pick broccoli and lettuce. 

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One Response to Chicken Pick-up & June Creekside Market

  1. Gee I wish I could. John leaves in 2 weeks, and us not far behind. Gotta empty my chest freezer in less than 1 month. Gonna miss your chickens.