It’s COLD out there!

Until things thaw out, we will be working on a “by appointment” basis. If you need eggs, flour or cornmeal PLEASE call or e-mail ahead of time. There will be no eggs in the cooler, and other than taking care of the animals, we will be spending as little time outside as possible. That means we most likely will not see you pull in the drive.

Call 815-467-5259









Even during the deep freeze, there are still lots of things to do @ Creekside Natural Farm. Yesterday, Bill used our stone grinder to make whole wheat flour and Floriani Red Flint corn meal. Our flour and cornmeal are both whole grain, un-sifted and contain the full “germ” unlike most at the grocery store. Because of this, we recommend keeping it in the refrigerator. Some of our customers like to buy a larger quantity (so they never run out) and keep it in the freezer. Keeping it cool also helps retain the nutrition and prevents it from becoming rancid. Because all grain starts to loose it’s nutrition after grinding, we grind in very small batches and sell through before we grind another batch. If you have a grinder, we will also sell the whole grain.

100% Whole wheat flour – 3 lb. bag for $5.00

Floriani Red Flint cornmeal – 2 lb. bag $6.00


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